Dear Families,
We hope this finds you well. Thank you to the families that were able to attend the optional progress meetings which took place this week with class teachers.
Week 3: 20th – 24th January:
- Monday, 20th January 10am-11am Upper School CAMHS workshop for parents/carers on Adolescence & Friendships (flyer below with sign up information)
- Tuesday, 21st January 10am-11am Parent/Carer Coffee Morning at school with focus on supporting pupils with selective diets with strategies to increase their engagement with food.
Spring Term Family Learning Week: 3rd - 6th February 2025:
We were so pleased to have such a high number of parents/carers join the Autumn Term Family Learning Week sessions. It is a great opportunity to join a lesson in your child's class to experience their engagement in learning, social interactions with their friends, and to meet other parents. The Spring Term Family Learning Week is scheduled for 3rd - 6th February 2025. Your child's home-school communication book shares the date and time of the lesson you are invited to join. Please make sure you complete the RSVP sticker in the home-school book so that the class teacher can prepare for that lesson.
Term Dates: The 2025-2026 School Year Term Dates are now published https://swisscottage.camden.sch.uk/parents/termdates
Wishing all of our families an enjoyable weekend.
Yours Sincerely,
Swiss Cottage School