Swiss Cottage School values parent, carer, and family partnership. We do this carefully in four ways:

1) Open communication
Families receive their child’s targets (Personal Learning Intention Map), timetable, medium term planning aims, and class team updates each term. The school promotes communication that values working together, celebrating successes, and problem solving with the solution as the aim.

2) Evidence for Learning Journals
The school uses the online system Evidence for Learning. Every family has a protected login into the system. Families receive updates on your child’s learning every two weeks. This is to build the picture of progress. Families are invited to share key experiences in the home environment so that class teams can learn and incorporate this into the class planning.

3) Family Learning Weeks
We invite families in twice a year to join a lesson, performance, or class celebration. The aim is to have regular visits to school to celebrate learning together. It is an opportunity to meet your child’s friends and the other parents and carers in the class

4) Weekly Coffee Mornings
The school hosts a weekly coffee morning to bring parents and carers together to share ideas, discuss updates, and meet key team members from LA services.

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