Dear Families,
The community had a magical start to the Spring Term with light snow flurries Tuesday morning. We are very excited about this term. The newsletter is providing an overview of key dates for the half term ahead.
Week 1: 6th – 10th January 2025: You receive the Spring Term Learning Pack in your child’s bag: Class Timetable, Class Information, Curriculum Overview, and Spring Term targets (Personal Learning Intention Map). The pack also includes your child’s Autumn Term progress report. Families that signed up for the optional Progress Meeting received a text this week confirming the date and time of the meeting.
Week 2: 13th – 17th January: Teacher-Parent/Carer Progress Meetings take place.
‘Evidence for Learning’ journal upload into the family portal.
Monday, 13th January 10am-11am Upper School Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) workshop for parents/carers on Adolescence (flyer below with sign up information)
Tuesday, 14th January Special Parents Forum Coffee Morning 10:30-11:30am at Greenwood Centre (flyer below with additional information).
Week 3: 20th – 24th January:
Monday, 20th January 10am-11am Upper School CAMHS workshop for parents/carers on Adolescence & Friendships (flyer below with sign up information)
Tuesday, 21st January 10am-11am Parent/Carer Coffee Morning at school with focus on supporting pupils with selective diets with strategies to increase their engagement with food.
Week 4: 27th – 31st January: ‘Evidence for Learning’ journal upload into the family portal.
Tuesday, 28th January 10am-11am Parent/Carer Coffee Morning at school with the Camden Learning Disabilities Service (CLDS) are here to talk about the importance of health and disability (how to keep on top of health checks with your child and adolescent).
Week 5: 3rd – 7th February: Spring Term Family Learning Week (you will receive your child’s class date/time in the home-school communication book during Week 3).
‘Evidence for Learning’ journal upload into the family portal.
Week 6: 10th – 14th February:
Monday, 10th February 10am-11am Upper School CAMHS workshop on Adolescence & Sexuality (flyer below with sign up information)
Tuesday 11th February 10-11am Parent/Carer Coffee Morning at school.
Week 7: 17th – 21st February: Half Term Break No School
Camden Special Parents Forum: The Spring Term Calendar is located below with information about excellent workshops for Total Communication and Annual Reviews.
Term Dates: The 2025-2026 School Year Term Dates are now published https://swisscottage.camden.sch.uk/parents/termdates
We are looking forward to working closely with you across the Spring Term. Please let us know if you have any questions. Have a wonderful weekend.
Yours Sincerely,
Swiss Cottage School