Swiss Cottage School Charity is a registered charity (Charity Number: 1115279).

Our Charity Aims

  • To fund specialist equipment and learning opportunities for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disability at Swiss Cottage School
  • To raise awareness of Special Education Needs and Disability in the local, regional and national community
  • To develop partnerships which promote the social inclusion of pupils at Swiss Cottage School

We are a state-funded school committed to research and development. We do not have enough delegated funding to bring our research into practice. Our most valuable and expensive resource is our staff, and the delegated funding meets that cost alongside baseline equipment and resources related to their communication, cognitive or medical priorities.

We appreciate why the funding must be capped as the national population of pupils with special educational needs continues to rise. Currently this is 13% of the national pupil population. Fundamentally for us, we do not want funding limitations to stop the provision we know needs to be in place and is able to be integrated through our expert knowledge.

Advancements in technology make equipment innovation responsive to the needs of the pupils, reducing their dependency on others to respond to the learning opportunity and express their needs. We are informing these developments, and want to ensure our school is able to provide our pupils with a core provision that is not compromised by our funding limitations.

Our Trustees

Piyush Patel, Chair of Swiss Cottage School Charity [Finance]
Marriam Ghaffar [Legal]
Peter Sprinz [Ethics and Assets]
Alexandra Eavis [Technology & Innovation]
Vijita Patel [Strategy and Assets]
Jonathan Hilliard QC [Ethics and Assets]

We are always looking for new ways to fundraise and for people to help us. Please get in touch if you’d like to get involved

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