Dear Families,
Thank you for sharing such uplifting messages for our celebration of National Teaching Assistant & Support Staff Week. They have taken over the staffroom for the rest of this half term!
Next Week we continue with the Parent/Carer sessions across the week:
Tuesday 1st October 10am: Join the Parent/Carer Coffee Morning to hear the NHS Speech and Language Therapist share strategies for communication in the home environment.
Tuesday 1st October 10am-10:45am: Evidence for Learning technical support including how to use the online family portal.
Wednesday 2nd October 10am-10:45am: Meet the Teacher Coffee Morning for Katherine Grainger, Michael Rosen, Chris Packham Class
Wednesday 2nd October 10:50am-11:35am: Meet the Teacher Coffee Morning for Mercury, Malala Yousafzai, Michelle Obama Class
Thursday 3rd October 10am-10:45am: Meet the Teacher Coffee Morning for Bluebell, Elderflower, Marigold Class
Thursday 3rd October 10:50am-11:35am: Meet the Teacher Coffee Morning for Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter Class
Event Flyers: This newsletter includes flyers for events from the Camden Special Parents Forum including their full Autumn Calendar.
Term Dates: The school term dates are located on the school website: https://swisscottage.camden.sch.uk/parents/termdates
21st October 2024: Training day for staff – no school for pupils
25th October 2024: Last day of the half term
28th October – 1st November 2024: Half term break – no school for pupils
4th November 2024: Pupils return to school
20th December 2024: Last day of Autumn Term
Wishing all families a safe and enjoyable weekend.
Yours Sincerely,
Swiss Cottage School